Vor den Herbstferien war es mal wieder soweit: 12 Schüler aus der Oberstufe verbrachten zwei wohl unvergessliche Wochen auf der anderen Seite des “großen Teichs”. Im Rahmen des Rockville-Austauschs lebten sie in Gastfamilien und sahen einige weltbekannte Orte im Osten der USA. Über ihre einzelnen Erlebnisse haben die Teilnehmer nun verschiedene Berichte verfasst. Erfahrt hier mehr über ihren Trip nach New York – auf Englisch.

I can’t believe that it has already been a period of time ago that our bus from Rockville departed in the direction of New York. During the bus ride everyone was really excited. We couldn’t wait for entering New York City – especially Manhattan – so we talked and laughed about five hours without interruption. Maybe we had even too much fun because the other passengers sometimes gave us an evil look.

After a long time we finally passed a tunnel which leads right to Manhattan. Nearly everyone looked out of the window and you could truly see their amazement by means of their faces. We descended the bus and walked along 34th Street to check in to our hostel. On the way we already saw some famous buildings like the Madison Square Garden or the Empire State Building which was only a few blocks away from the New York Budget Inn.

A walk over the famous Brooklyn Bridge.

After moving into our rooms we met outside to do a little walk to the Times Square. Bit by bit the sun set so when we reached the Times Square all the signs and advertisings where lit up and with all those different colors the whole square looked even bigger and more impressive as by daylight. After getting some free time we took a walk through the nearby streets and avenues to get a first impression of the lifestyle in New York.

Within the next three days we were able to improve our first impressions, to see many well-known buildings and places and to talk to real New York people. Basically we tried to get to know the city as well as possible which wasn’t always easy because we mostly went by foot so one thing we know for sure now: Even the southern part of Manhattan isn’t small and there are many attractions you shouldn’t miss! This is why I rather like to tell you about a few things more in detail than listing every little corner of Manhattan that we’ve seen.

Certainly everyone once has seen a big city on TV, in the newspaper, in photographs etc. without ever having been there. Some people might be disappointed when they see the big cities from TV in reality for the first time because on TV it always looked brighter, bigger and more beautiful. I know this disappointment by myself but it’s different with New York – or rather Manhattan. I think the Times Square is one of the best examples for Manhattan’s beauty. It’s as colorful and cheerful as the television used to assure you so as a tourist it almost seems to be incredible and surreal.

Bright Times Square

Another really spectacular experience was the view from the Top of the Rock – the Rockefeller-Center. First of all it really was very high but the view was even more impressive than the 259 meters of height. When we arrived at the top there was still daylight but after about half an hour the sun set, everything went pink and yellow and later on it went dark. It can’t be compared to photographs because you can’t catch all the numerous details and capture them on camera. With the help of Manhattans checkered and simple arrangement it wasn’t difficult to get an overview of the sights we’d already seen. I think the lights were the most beautiful part of the view and from above even “The City that never sleeps” looked kind of peaceful and calm.

Furthermore I think Manhattan is really interesting because of the wide differences between the diverse districts – especially the part where Chinatown and Little Italy are located. You verily can see where Chinatown with its Chinese restaurants and booths ends and where Little Italy starts with its Italian restaurants and left alleys. But for all that the differences between Chinatown and Little Italy aren’t as big as the differences between the two small districts and other districts like SoHo and the financial district. When you see skyscrapers and glamorous hotels in front of you and alleys behind you it doesn’t feel like you were still in one and the same city.

All in all I think everyone from our group liked the time in New York and would have loved to stay there for some more days but by not having seen everything by now there is a cause to come back.

The students group with the two teachers.

Dieser Bericht wurde von Hanna Hohenbild (Q1a) verfasst. Fotos: Jessica Thomsen (Q1a)

Ein Kommentar

  1. Great idea to write this in English!
    I’m glad you had such a great time!

    P.S.: When I publish something in English – for a wider audience – I normally send my contribution to a friend who is a native English speaker to eliminate Germanisms and possibly other errors … ;-)

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